Friday, December 7, 2012


No, this post is not about the movie Inception.

This is about me finally starting a blog.

Inception (noun): The establishment or starting point of an institution or activity. 
Source: Google Dictionary.

I do not know if this is going to last, whether I have enough determination to keep it going.

I have been thinking about this for a year, but never really took an action. I mean, I researched on some blogging platforms, I created blogs, explored around, but never really give out efforts to write posts.

Probably because I have short attention span. Like Kevin Rose. I always got attracted (or distracted) by so many interesting things. I am a Mr Curiosity.

I read more than I write. I consume more than giving out. I think thrice before I do.

Time to change that. Time to start giving out. People always say that you will get more when you give more.

At least this is a good start. I guess.

See you in the near future.

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