Saturday, December 15, 2012

What is Your Principle?

What guides you in your life?

What guides you in your creation?

A few months ago, I stumbled upon this video.

This talk was given by Bret Victor at CUSEC 2012. Here's a short bio on Bret:
Bret Victor invents tools that enable people to understand and create. He has designed experimental UI concepts at Apple, interactive data graphics for Al Gore, and musical instruments at Alesis. 
Source: Vimeo 
This is a must-watch for everyone. It is about an hour long, but it is worth every minute. If you are a software developer, I hope the idea will resonate with you.

If you are interested with Bret Victor's work, feel free to visit his website at There are a lot of interesting projects, ideas and papers worth checking out. Most of the projects there reflect his principles.

So, what guides me in my life, in my creation?

I'm still on the road of seeking my principles.

How about you?

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